Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Some or all identity references could not be translated

We have migrated Custom site from WSS 2.0 to WSS 3.0. After successful migration, we were performing post migration configuration. During these events we have moved SQL Server (Holding Content and Configuration databases) and Web server (Holding the custom application) from one domain to other domain. After this domain change, we observed an error in the Sharepoint Central Administration site. When we click on “Operation” or “Application Management” tab in Central administration we get following error “Some or all identity references could not be translated” As always we struggled with this error, tried searching couple of blogs, forums, but nothing could get us through. Fortunately later we came to know about STSADM utility. This utility is amazing, it resides under c:\program\files\common files\microsoft shared\web server extensions\12\bin. We executed following command "stsadm.exe -o updatefarmcredentials -userlogin -password " And hurray !! that was it , the WSS 3.0 Sharepoint Central Administration started working. This might also work when you change password for your admin account, or when you change your domains. Ensure that you have database (Config and Content) backup before you perform this action, so that if something goes wrong you can go back. Enjoy life !!! Subhash [Please note: This solution/comment is based on personal experience and may not be authentica. This solution does not guarantee that it would react the same way anywhere else. You can refer to product documentation and authorized websites for more information.]


  1. Hi
    Good post. Finally found a solution.

    The solution works for me.
    I have been changing the permission for my newly created SPS account on the SharePoint Central Administration v3 Virtual directory which I think cause all sorts of issues.

    Happy days
    Sheng koh

  2. Hi,

    Thank you very much...The solution worked fine for me. I was also stuck after creating a new domain and the solution worked fine.


  3. Thank you very much.

    Now everything is working good.

    Kind regards,
    Burim Avdiu.

  4. I tried executing the above command but could not solve the problem. My problem still exists.

  5. My Home page in the central administration is working good but my Operations and Applications Management are not working fine. Please somebody help me to sort this problem out.

  6. I ran the command and then I had to re-run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Config Wizzard. Once I did that, all worked well. Thanks! I was spinning my wheels on this one!

  7. After updating the farm credentials with the command above, it solves the issue. Thanks!

  8. hi i am ninad i am trying to set permission on ad for a particullar ou and all child ou under this ou. i am using following code and iam getting a Some or all identity references could not be translated this error.i am trying to set this ou's and all sub ou's authenticated user's to read permission.

    namespace Adscript {

    class Program {

    public void getresellerous() {

    //Console.WriteLine("enter a reseller name and domain name");
    //string reseller = Console.ReadLine();

    //Console.WriteLine ("enter a domain controller");
    //string dc=Console .ReadLine ();

    // DirectoryEntry objde = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP;//OU="'+ reseller +'",OU=Hosting,DC="'++'");
    DirectoryEntry objde = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://OU=res1.test1,OU=Test,DC=ninad,DC=dev");
    DirectorySearcher objderctorysearch = new DirectorySearcher(objde);
    // SearchResultCollection objserch;
    objderctorysearch.Filter = "(objectClass=organizationalUnit)";
    objderctorysearch.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree;

    foreach (SearchResult res in objderctorysearch.FindAll()) {
    // this.setpermission();
    // //Console.WriteLine("found::" + res.Properties["distinguishedName"].ToString );


    NTAccount res1 = new NTAccount("ninad", "Authenticated Users");
    ActiveDirectoryAccessRule readrule = new ActiveDirectoryAccessRule(res1, ActiveDirectoryRights.ReadProperty, AccessControlType.Allow, ActiveDirectorySecurityInheritance.None);




    can u please help me


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